Our Behaviour Policy.

  • Rachael Reynolds School of Dance prides itself on being an all-inclusive, happy learning environment with enjoyment and education being at the root of all our classes. This policy exists to maintain this environment and enable students to reach their full potential.

  • All our students are the responsibility of their parents/carers before and after their individual class times. We ask you to refrain from early drop offs and late pick-ups and reiterate that in these circumstances we are not responsible for the well-being of your child.

  • Behaviour in unsupervised areas, eg waiting areas and toilets, must be acceptable and in line with our behaviour policy.

  • We ask our students to understand that they represent the school and it's behaviour policy at all times when wearing uniform in and out of class.

  • Students are expected to arrive promptly for the start of class.

  • Disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated; Rachael Reynolds School of Dance reserve the right to remove from our programme, without refund, anyone who is found to be bullying, misbehaving or displaying disruptive behaviour.

  • We support a strict 'anti-bullying' environment. Any student displaying bullying behaviour towards other students will be asked to leave.

  • We would ask that parents enforce the above rules to ensure that the highest standards are maintained and that we have an enjoyable environment for all. 

If you have any questions regarding any of the above please don't hesitate to contact us.